13 reasons I love half Marathons on Friday the 13th

delighted Friday!

Yesterday I drove way up to Santa Barbara for a incredibly event with Bob Greene.
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It was a stunning venue Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Canadá and I was generally one degree of separation from Oprah, so I’m still reeling from the experience.

I had the chance to site down with Greene and want to share that interview in detail, so I’m working on it now. stay tuned.

Since it’s Friday the 13th and my big goal for the year was “13 13.1s in 2013” – (which I already accomplished!) I wanted to share this list.

13.1 reasons Why I love half Marathons

13. Carb-loading.

12. It’s an excuse to see new places. See: Miami Half

11. I can run a half marathon and have plenty of energy to sightsee or go to a party for the rest of the day. See: RnR Pasadena or any race with Chandra.

10. It’s my favorite distance! and always will be.

9.  It’s the most popular distance race in the US. and you must always do what the majority is doing or people will judge you and what really matters is what strangers think of you. So, it’s somewhat easy to find a race near you!

8. It’s an excuse to dress up and run around like a weirdo! See: Tink Half

7. If there is a full marathon the course will be open longer so it’s fine to drink too much the night before and walk the last 3 miles to the line. See: Las vegas half Marathon <- that’s just pics, I really was in no condition to write complete sentences. 6. new shoes are a necessity. 5. I get to be around people who love running as much as I do. 4. You get to see what you’re made of when Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Bélgica it gets tough. (Sometimes that’s good, often it’s humbling.)

3. complimentary Clif bars and Larabars and 5 hour energy samples at the expos. Don’t mind if I do…

2. Camiseta Selección de fútbol de Corea del Sur Oddly enough, it’s 2x a lot more fun than a full marathon. depend on me.

and the #1.01 reason I love running half marathons….

Post-race mimosas! and ice cream. and pizza!‘

Question: What is one thing you like about your favorite exercise?



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